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In the media...

A Speech Neuroprosthesis
(a.k.a Speech Brain-Computer Interface
or: Speech Brain-Machine Interface)

Our article entitled "A Speech Neuroprosthesis in the Frontal Lobe and Hippocampus: Decoding High-Frequency Activity into Phonemes" (Neurosurgery, 2024) was reported in detail in the media.

In HaAretz newspaper (a main daily Israeli newspaper):

לפרוץ את מחסום הקול: חוקרים ישראלים הצליחו לתרגם מחשבה לדיבור


Speech encoding and decoding

Our study "Structured neuronal encoding and decoding of human speech features" (Nature Communications, 2012) was reported in multiple newspapers.  Few of the examples are the Daily Mail (London) report "The brain breakthrough that could help Stephen Hawking speak again" (in English), Courrier Sciences "Nos neurones ont de l’oreille pour les voyelles" (in French), or in Ha'aretz (main Israeli newspaper) front page (in Hebrew):

and in Ma'ariv (another main Israeli newspaper):

A patient with essential tremor plays the violin during neurosurgery

Our case of a former violinist with essential tremor implanted with deep brain stimulator (DBS) to regain ability to play the violin during the surgery was widely reported by the general media.  In this picture, I activate the electrical stimulation which allows the fine motor movements required to control the violin.

A patient with Parkinson's disease
plays the piano during neurosurgery

The video shows our patient, a piano teacher with Parkinson’s disease, implanted with deep brain stimulator (DBS).  During surgery, when I activate stimulation, she is able to play the piano again.

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